Jolie Braun
I’m the curator of modern literature and manuscripts at The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library (RBML), where I manage and build the unit’s modern holdings, collaborate with instructors to provide special collections-based instruction, and promote the collections by curating displays and exhibitions and organizing events. My research interests include teaching and outreach in special collections, self-publishing, and zines.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Links to both the published article and open access version, when available, are included below.
Dearborn, Carly, and Jolie Braun. “Space and Pedagogy: A Survey of Special Collections Instructional Spaces.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 51.2 (2025).
“1990s Zine Distribution and Understanding the Work of Zine Distros through Their Catalogs.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 118.3 (2024): 414-441. Open access version
“From the Margins to the Center: Introducing Self-Published American Literature to Undergraduates.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 21.3 (2021): 533-548. Open access version
“‘Your Zine Changed My Life’: The Impact and Legacy of Zines in Sassy Magazine.” American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography 30.2 (2020): 149-163. Open access version
“‘Printing books shall eventually be my trade’: Piecing Together the History of Diane di Prima’s Poets Press.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 38.2 (2019): 425-433. Open access version
“A History of Diane di Prima’s Poets Press.” The Journal of Beat Studies 6.1 (2018): 3-22. Open access version
“Now on Display: Lessons Learned from Building a Small Exhibits Program.” Archival Issues 38.2 (2017): 6-19.
Editor-Reviewed Articles
“Teaching with Community Cookbooks.” The Recipes Project Summer 2024.
“Collecting Sarah Piatt at The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library.” American Literary Realism 5.3 (2023): 240-247. Open access version
“Unconventional Collecting in Extraordinary Times: Documenting the Pandemic through a COVID-19 Zine Collection.” College & Research Libraries News 82.8 (2021): 354-356; 361.
“The Recovery of Sarah Piatt and Community Scholarship.” Paideuma: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 46 (2021): 299-306. Coauthored with Elizabeth Renker, Sean E. Andres, and Larry Michaels.
“‘There is no respectable woman…that sells books!’ The Memoirs of Nineteenth-Century Woman Book Canvassers.” Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation 14.1 (2021): 124-139.
“‘Vote for Woman Suffrage!’ A Closer Look at The Ohio State University Libraries’ Suffrage Scrapbooks.” Ohio Archivist (Fall 2020): 10-11.
Public Writing
“Designed to Sell: American Canvassing Books at The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library.” The Ephemerist 197 (Summer 2022): 10-13.
“The Zine Scene.” Fine Books & Collections (Winter 2022): 51-53.
“Exploring James Thurber’s Columbus with The Ohio State University’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Library.” Ohioana Quarterly 62 (Summer 2019): 8-10.
During Fall 2022 I taught “More than Just Recipes: Exploring American Cookbooks,” a first-year seminar based in the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library’s cookbook collections.
Digital Exhibits
Essential Ingredients: Cookbooks as History. 2024. Curated by Jolie Braun and Elizabeth Hewitt and designed by Jared Gardner.
“Bright Young Librarians: Jolie Braun.” January 18, 2023.
“Skeletor, Poetry, Hand-Made Art: Quaranzines Tell COVID Stories.” November 5, 2021.
“Meet the Curator: Jolie Braun.” The Ohio State University Libraries. March 23, 2021.